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     Well it started about 2 1/2 yrs ago.....when my ex and i seperated...i guess i should first tell you my name...Hello My name is Scote Rogers, im a single father, my youngest daughter is now 18 and just told me that she was pregnat,  Yes at first i over reacted, but we are good now, and i also take care of my mother...well..if i was taking care of her..then i wouldnt be on here now would i anyways .depresion has set in...i dont do anything but want to sleep...ive lost so much wight that its not even funny, if you was to see a pic of my like 3 yrs wouldnt beleave that its me...anyways back to my story...This is one of the most hardest things i have ever had to do...and im ashamed almost to even ask for money...but i need help...i cant keep up on my bills anymore, im like 2 months behind, i dont want to get evicted, cause then no one will rent to me...ive never had this kind of problems befor...well at least not this bad...if you can help...or you are better of than others..and you would like to help me and my family...please do to...OH...and i forgot to menthen that a portion of what i get goes to local Pregnet Women in Need of some help         Hello and my family are in need...and if it wouldn't hurt your wallet to let go of a little bit and help out a family in need. god will bless you, in a hevenly manor, So if you can help...Please Do So...  thank you and god blessWell i thought i would write a little more about me, as farback as i can remember, life has been hard...not only for me, but for my mother as well...i was on walfare, not thatim proud of it..but it got us growing mother was always behind closed doors, now being so young i didnt understand...untill i grew up a little...seeing people always go into rooms and close the door...always made me of course i started using drugs at a young this is know ones fault but my own, and i used drugs for many many years i didnt get to chase my dreams....or do any of the childhood things that most kids have, i am an only child...after having me, mom got with a man that beat her so bad she couldnt have anymore kids...when i was 18 my grandma had got lung cancer and i had to take care of her...i had to cook, bath, you name it....and at that age...watching my grandmother just dissapper into nothing...and then Die..that pushed me into drugs again...     After she pasted i went into rehab...once again..not the first...or last...but i stayed good for a long time..started going to church, on my own..without my mother...i used to go with the naibor...and for a while life was good....then once again..we moved..i couldnt tell you how many times we moved when i was young...and not only house to house..but state to state....her and her husband brought me with them when they decided to go travel with the carnival...and ya being so young i tought it was Fun...    Well im 43 now...been in this depression for like 3 years now...and i just cant get out of it, please if you can help then please do family is in need..                                May God bless and keep you


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